Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Turn a Friend Into A Lover. Get Out the Friendship Zone!

In my personal experience guys that don't get laid, are angry guys- Its not always the case- but more often than not- the rule holds. That was the original heading to my article- but I changed it when I went off on a tangent- About- How To Get Out The Friendship Zone!

Here is a cool link to an ebook that is well worth reading- its designed to get your EX Girl Friend Back, but it is amazing for turning a friend into a lover. If there is someone you want, get this book. Trust me. Here is the link. Turn a Friend into A lover. (Dont say I never look out for you guys!)

Recently I told the girl I'm seeing that I teach guys "how to pick up woman" anyway to cut a long story short, she told her best guy friend who is a very AFC guy (who is madly in love with her) about it and my website. Lets just say this guy was extremely angry- I think It was all his built up sexual frustration coming out.

If you reading this Guy, maybe you should attend a workshop- I'll give you a discount. You're a nice guy, but seriously man.... grow a set and take the time to learn to attract woman else you will always find yourself in the friend Zone.

Doing stuff like pitching up at her house unexpectedly, calling her and smsing her the whole time, chatting to her for hours on MXIT, is cute.... but It landed you firmly in the friend zone.

Guys take a lesson from this dude, if you dont want to be in the friends zone stop trying so hard. The more you try the more you are firmly rooted in the "not getting laid- ever category"

Why do you need to put space in between the 2 of you. People get comfortable, they have habbits, if you keep seeing her- her mind/brain will keep reminding her that you two are just friends. You need to break the link- a re-establish a better one- that involves sexual attraction. They say it takes 21 days to break a habbit... give it a try, don't see her for 21 days... but personally I would give it 2 months!

If you want to turn a friend into a lover- give her lots of space, don't do cute things (like taking her shopping) After you have put some time and space between the 2 of you then try again, but this time be more cocky and funny with sexual inuendo.

Hope this helps you guys out- I will try get a more detailed article out in the news letters for attraction school. Sign up free over here!


Baron Blooom

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