Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing The Game- With Someone you Love

Its pretty late and maybe my thoughts are just a little jumbled and random. But I've been giving a lot of thought to Showing your "real" self. Its very easy to play the "game" when you aren't too keen on the girl, but it becomes a completely different ball game, when the girl in question is someone you really love or care about.

You have one of those situations where it was magic at first- the pick up went great- the date was amazing- but a month or 2 down the line you are left stranded. As you dive deeper into the relationship It becomes hard to compose yourself and leave emotions out of the picture.... but I think that's the point- are you really always supposed to be composed and perfect- I don't think so. It can't be possible to feel love if you don't open yourself up and let who are are come out.

I'm not saying you have to become a complete AFC wuss. But If you are too afraid to open yourself up to a girl "because the game says you shouldn't" Will you ever experience something worthwhile experiencing.

These are just some of my late night thoughts..... Lets sleep on them.
Would love your thoughts on the topic.

P.s Here is an article to get the girl of your dreams


  1. technically if you are doing all this to get the girl of your dreams, then when u find her its easier to open up and be yourself with her. I ate just go with the flow, if shes your ten, hold on. there not many out there.
