Monday, October 12, 2009

Day Game- A Quick Field Report + Tips

Day Game is something that should be Fun- during the day people are relaxed, girls are off guard and you don't have to do anything special. Sounds simple but it is really important to have that in your mind. Sleepycat mentioned in our latest newsletter that Day Game- should feel like a scene from a romantic comedy! Even if you are a little shy and Clumsy you can still pull it off. Think of Hugh Grant... yes he isn't my favorite actor- but she somehow always manages to get the girl BECAUSE he is sincere. BE SINCERE!

First you have got to establish what your goal of day game is- if you don't know what you are working towards then you cant drive it home(this applies to all types of pickup). Either your goal is just to have fun, or get her number, take her on an instant date or lastly kiss her.

Don't get your hopes up on the last option because it is very unlikely.
For me I like to have fun and bounce the girl somewhere- especially ice cream- The one thing I have in common with most girls is- my love for ice cream!

The best part is that it is simple, fun, spontaneous and non threatening! Try it.

I was running a workshop with one of my students (Duke).... and we decided to experiment with a bit of day game.... @ the Zone in Rosebank (JHB, South Africa)

This is how it went...

Set 1: I walked past a girl at the sunglasses rack, I commented that the set of pink dorky glasses will suit her better (she was trying a pair on) (making a Cocky and Funny Comment is a great way to open during the day)..... she laughs and says no.....I tease her a bit and tell her to be a sport. Eventually after much negotiation and teasing she decides to try them on… I then hand her another set, and another and another...All along I give my humble yet amusing opinion on what looks good and what doesn't. She then starts picking out pairs for me to try on.....
Nothing material came of this interaction- but it was fun and playful.

Set 2: Duke takes a shirt and asks a mother and daughter set if they like the shirt, they proceeded to give their opinion- I walk up with a bright Pink shirt, and interrupt "I think this will suit him better" they laughed, I went to find another ridiculous outfit and kept re-entering the set. This is great wingman game- as it allows the guy who opens to keep chatting while the wingman keeps spicing up the conversation as it does down.

Set 3: Duke asks a girl if the Top we are looking at is a guy/girls top.... She was friendly- but later we discovered her BF was also in the shop. She was cool and friendly.

Set 4: Nintendo Wii girl. Opened her asking if big boys were also allowed to play. Ended up teasing her about how lame Wii is- its for fat kids that cant play sport. She defended it, and I took the conversation in the direction of "how would you feel if you got invited on a date and the guy wanted to play Wii with you." -She said that she wouldn't mind, so long as the date included dinner at his place. I then transitioned into wanting to fill in her customer satisfaction form- teased her that I would give her a bad rating. I then said "I bet you must get a whole bunch of old guys hitting on you while their kids are playing Wii".
I closed her by asking for her email address. It was very natural and smooth- she had no hesitation in giving it to me. (the whole interaction was about 5-10 minutes)

In summary- Day game is all about having fun! Appear to be a cool guy, be calm and be confident and the girl will love it (CCC). If you're having fun, 95% of the time she will have fun too. Don't worry about closing- some girls you will close some girls you won't. Don't take it personally

We opened 4 sets in 20 minutes- we had a good time, and the girls we opened had a good time, I'm also pretty sure something will come of the Wii girl. There is no need to be amazing, just make a start and things will happen. Get out the House!

Note: Don’t be a stalker during day game- if you in a clothing shop look at cloths don't just walk around eyeing out sets.

I just wrote a news letter on day game. If you sign up for free on my website, it will get sent to you, along with.... how to kiss close, how to open, how to isolate.... blah blah blah.......(

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