Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Deal With Your Ex Girlfirend!

Something you might no know about me..... but I sit next to my ex of 4 years at work- She literally sits 1 meter away from me! We work for the same company- back in my AFC days I got her an interview at my company.....I had my reasons back then and they sounded awesome at the time (like travelling overseas together blah blah fish paste) IF you take anything out of this post- NEVER, NEVER EVER get your girl friend a job at work! Trust me on this one!

It's not a great idea- it was extremely challenging to deal with in the beginning but I honestly feel like being forced to be exposed to me EX has taken my game to a new level. I can honestly deal with ANYONE- after dealing with her. (rather learn from me- it much easier than experimenting yourself)

It's all about setting boundaries and respecting yourself. There is no way you can deal with all the emotional mind games and shit tests an EX can throw at you- IF YOU DON'T PUT Boundaries up.

It would be like like going into a rugby match (or American football- for our American readers) without a strategy. No matter how good your players (Game is) are if you don't have clear direction you will lose to a much weaker opponent.

For Example- I went for lunch with my EX today- and I decided in my mind (before I went for lunch) that no matter how good things went with her, I would not kiss her/ sleep with her... This put me in a position of power because I acted in such a way that I did not need anything from her. This actually drove her crazy and made her want me more.

Patience. So if I wanted to sleep with her- I could have carried on and she would try make a plan to visit me after work (don't force it- wait and be patient- it will happen)- don't invite her- rather let her invite herself. Personally I'm seeing someone that I really like so I'm not gonna score her- but this is just an example of how to do it if you wanted to.

In summary if you wanna get your ex back- obviously be CCC.

- Relax.
- Be patient.
- Set boundaries.
- Try Move on.
- Keep the power in your court.


Check Out Sleepycats latest post on Facebook game it's pure brilliance!
p.s Scoring your EX is like chewing old chewing gum

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