Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Coffee with mPua "H" or "Mr H"

A few of you may have heard of "H", He is one of my closest buddies that I met a while back- we both started off more or less at the same time.

Yeah we were pretty shit back then, but I always enjoyed having him as my wingman.

A little about him: He was rated the 7th Best Pick Up Artist in South Africa. Personally I think He should be in the top 5 (I will put the list up on My Blog). He is an off the wall character. Never a dull moment when he is around!

He is one of the most successful businessmen I know at the tender age of 23.

Ok- H... that's enough blowing smoke up your ass!

Anyway he came past my office for a meeting that he had in the building and we were just discussing how different guys have different talents- and how each person should embrace their own personal style to benefit them best. There are way too many guys out there trying to be someone they are not.

You guys care to guess what the different styles and methods are?

Baron Bloom

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