Monday, October 5, 2009

Journey to a New Life- Cool Calm Confident (CCC)

The last year has been on of the most amazing years of my life… there is no feeling better than knowing you have grown and become a better man all round. I want to share a little bit of my journey with you.

I initially got into pickup after reading “the game” like most guys do. I was under the impression that to be a good pickup artist you had to be someone you are not. Like being an actor on a stage- problem is that this works great in some circumstances but it is soul destroying knowing that girls only like the fake Mystery/Style or whoever you are trying to be. Deep down you will NEVR ever develop inner game if you know you can’t pick up girls by being yourself? Think about it!

I went through a journey of self discovery- I opened myself up to all the dark corners of my heart and mind and fought tirelessly with myself till I conquered all my insecurities, dark emotions and feelings of not being good enough. These things get etched in our minds from a young age brought on by different negative situations we encountered growing up; it could be friends, rejection, parents, embarrassing moments, and abuse whatever… Everyone has there dark secrets that we block out- even to ourselves.

My challenge is: Be willing to see yourself for who you are, and most importantly for whom you want yourself to be….. Start mapping the new you to the old you, then deal with the issues that prevent you from being the amazing person you were created to be.

Once I over came my insecurities and issues, my Game exploded exponentially. People I knew from my past cant get over how I’ve changed. You may have heard of my style (CCC) Cool calm confident- We’ll for me CCC has become a life style. I honestly feel cool, calm and confident- radiates with whoever I meet, In Business, life and pickup.

The feeling of knowing that this girl is completely attracted to me, for me is one of the most satisfying feelings you will ever have in life- you get a point where you stop caring what people think about you because you are happy enough with yourself. I hope you all reach that point in your life- sooner rather than later.

Give me your comments and feel back.


  1. Hi, Baron! im Louis, really impressed with your pick up theory and experience you have encountered. If not a secret, how many girls have u managed to pick up in summer season, are your methods always working? P

  2. Hey Man,
    Glad you like it!

    Yeah I've had some great experience in the past few months. I met this amazing girl, but before I met her in the space of 3 Months, I dated just under 20 girls and Kissed just under 40. Tall girls, short girls, sporty girls, arty girls, models, students, business owners, blondes, brunettes, red heads, you name it....

    It was a hectic few months, and I dont know if I'd ever go that crazy again.... but for me it was a growing experience.

    On the bright side- I learnt more about myself in 3 months than I did in 24 years.

    CCC- works like a charm especially when it comes to dating...


  3. p.s My name comes up as Ghost here.... was my original name. So Ghost = Baron!
