Wednesday, October 28, 2009

WineX- Wine Tasting Sandton Convention Centre

Its that time of Year again.... Yes WineX! Its taking place at the Sandton Convention Centre (In Sandton opposite Sandton City).

What is wineX?
For those of you who don't know, WineX is a huge wine expo. It brings together all of South Africa's best Wine Estates and Winery's along with a few olive Farms into 1 huge room (Space of 2 football fields) for the public to participate in a tasting. There are various little wine stalls placed through out the Room. (I speak under correction but I think there are more or less 400 stalls)

Last year was the first time I attended wineX- I loved it so much I went all 4 nights. Had a killer hangover to deal with the whole week. But I tasted some of the best wine South Africa has to offer, while organising a few dates with the promo girls and a few randoms on the side.

If you like Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Pinotage, or girls you should definitely be there.

This is Why. Its a big expo so people are walking around like they would in a shopping centre, add a little wine and its all of a sudden day game, with tipsy girls.

For me this is the perfect event to have a good time with friends, taste good wine and meet classy girls in a non threatening atmosphere.

How to Pick Up Girls at an Expo (like winex)

  • Its important to dress to the occasion, the girls at winex will probably be smart casual and you want to dress appropriately. For me, I'll wear a collared shirt, with smart pants and smart shoes. (last year I went in a full suit one day- its very James Bond, but it can be a little too intimidating for the girls)

  • Opening, The classic opinion opener could be used "what did you think of that wine", "where is the best wine stand" Or Direct Opening "Hey,this wine is amazing..... have you seen the stand where they serve wine with Swiss chocolate"

  • Neg for the Day Could be "have you got your blue teeth on?" - As you know red wine makes your teeth blue. Make sure u smile

  • Attitude. CCC (CCCC)- Girls at wineX will be pretty sophisticated, dont try impress them too much, be relaxed. Its normally just CCC, But the CCCC is Cool Calm Charming & Confident. Charm is important. Especially in classy circumstances.

  • Closing- Your not gonna be able to kiss a girl in wineX, last year a met a girl at WineX and I bounced her to the Baron (a Pub in Sandton) I kissed her there. If you can get her number you've done well... else just go for an instant date with her and your friends and bounce her somewhere afterwards.

  • Wine to Look out For- Chocolate Block From BOEKENHOUTSKLOOF . Or Raka wine estate.
A few cool things to know about Wines
A winery means- The Wine Maker buys grapes to make wine (they may have a few of their own grapes). A Wine Estate means they grow all their grapes on the farm.

Rose- Normally Red Grapes that have had their skins taken off, sometimes mixed with a bit of white grapes.

Pinotage, is a red wine grape that is South Africa's signature variety. It was bred there in 1925 as a cross between Pinot noir and Cinsaut (Cinsaut is known as Hermitage in South Africa, hence the portmanteau name of Pinotage). It typically produces deep red varietal wines with smoky, bramble and earthy flavors, sometimes with notes of bananas and tropical fruit, but has been criticized for sometimes smelling of acetone. Pinotage is often blended, and also made into fortified wine and even red sparkling wine.[1] The grape is a viticultural cross, not a hybrid. Both of Pinotage's ancestors are members of Vitis vinifera.
- Wikipedia!

Look Forward to seeing you there.
Baron Bloom

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