Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Interviewing Models- Robyn Hobson- FHM top 100 Sexiest Women

Just interviewed the beautiful fun loving Robyn Hobson- It was pretty cool to meet a model who is so down to earth who doesn’t take herself too seriously. You really should she her new milkshake pictures, they are pretty hot. tinyurl.com/fhmgirl

From what she told me she used to be a bit of a Nerd, braces and all… (How the ugly ducklings grow up) Plus word on the street is that she even likes Star Wars (please don’t let this stop you from voting for her) - I will ask Robyn to confirm this- but I get the feeling she will neither confirm nor deny at allegations.

Have a look at the interview here! and become her fan and vote for her, would be really awesome to see a sweet down to earth girl make the top 10.

You can become her fan here-
Or Sms Model 68 to 34973.

Remember a lucky fan of hers will win a 1 on 1 photo shoot with her!

Any Feedback or Comments are welcome

Baron Bloom

Interviews With Models

Interviewing Models

Sleepycat and I have spent tons of time brainstorming different ways to improve our site Attraction School. We don’t just want to be the average pick up site- that teaches guys techniques or ‘routine’s to pick up girls’. We want to create a site that helps the average guy (AFC) become a better man all around, in business, in relationships, with girls.

This brought us to interviews with models. There is no better way to get in a girls head than ask her specific questions that will help us understand in essence what girls want. Furthermore there are no girls out there that get hit on more than models which makes them the perfect candidates.

Models get put in a box. Guys and Girls have this idea of models that they are all the same; it’s a classic stereo type. Model = Hot + Inaccessible + Stuck up + Sometimes Dumb. What we aim to do is help guys see past the model exterior to who the girl really is.

We want to find out how they want to get opened, what builds attraction, what they look for in a guy and how a guy should act… right up to body language.

It’s going to be a fun ride, hope you guys enjoy the interviews as much as I do, and hopefully it gets you tons of Coffee Dates with Models

Send me a message baron.pua@gmail.com if there is anything you want me to ask the girls or anyone you would like me to interview and I’ll see what I can organise.

Baron Bloom

Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing The Game- With Someone you Love

Its pretty late and maybe my thoughts are just a little jumbled and random. But I've been giving a lot of thought to Showing your "real" self. Its very easy to play the "game" when you aren't too keen on the girl, but it becomes a completely different ball game, when the girl in question is someone you really love or care about.

You have one of those situations where it was magic at first- the pick up went great- the date was amazing- but a month or 2 down the line you are left stranded. As you dive deeper into the relationship It becomes hard to compose yourself and leave emotions out of the picture.... but I think that's the point- are you really always supposed to be composed and perfect- I don't think so. It can't be possible to feel love if you don't open yourself up and let who are are come out.

I'm not saying you have to become a complete AFC wuss. But If you are too afraid to open yourself up to a girl "because the game says you shouldn't" Will you ever experience something worthwhile experiencing.

These are just some of my late night thoughts..... Lets sleep on them.
Would love your thoughts on the topic.

P.s Here is an article to get the girl of your dreams

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Turn a Friend Into A Lover. Get Out the Friendship Zone!

In my personal experience guys that don't get laid, are angry guys- Its not always the case- but more often than not- the rule holds. That was the original heading to my article- but I changed it when I went off on a tangent- About- How To Get Out The Friendship Zone!

Here is a cool link to an ebook that is well worth reading- its designed to get your EX Girl Friend Back, but it is amazing for turning a friend into a lover. If there is someone you want, get this book. Trust me. Here is the link. Turn a Friend into A lover. (Dont say I never look out for you guys!)

Recently I told the girl I'm seeing that I teach guys "how to pick up woman" anyway to cut a long story short, she told her best guy friend who is a very AFC guy (who is madly in love with her) about it and my website. Lets just say this guy was extremely angry- I think It was all his built up sexual frustration coming out.

If you reading this Guy, maybe you should attend a workshop- I'll give you a discount. You're a nice guy, but seriously man.... grow a set and take the time to learn to attract woman else you will always find yourself in the friend Zone.

Doing stuff like pitching up at her house unexpectedly, calling her and smsing her the whole time, chatting to her for hours on MXIT, is cute.... but It landed you firmly in the friend zone.

Guys take a lesson from this dude, if you dont want to be in the friends zone stop trying so hard. The more you try the more you are firmly rooted in the "not getting laid- ever category"

Why do you need to put space in between the 2 of you. People get comfortable, they have habbits, if you keep seeing her- her mind/brain will keep reminding her that you two are just friends. You need to break the link- a re-establish a better one- that involves sexual attraction. They say it takes 21 days to break a habbit... give it a try, don't see her for 21 days... but personally I would give it 2 months!

If you want to turn a friend into a lover- give her lots of space, don't do cute things (like taking her shopping) After you have put some time and space between the 2 of you then try again, but this time be more cocky and funny with sexual inuendo.

Hope this helps you guys out- I will try get a more detailed article out in the news letters for attraction school. Sign up free over here!


Baron Blooom

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

WineX- Wine Tasting Sandton Convention Centre

Its that time of Year again.... Yes WineX! Its taking place at the Sandton Convention Centre (In Sandton opposite Sandton City).

What is wineX?
For those of you who don't know, WineX is a huge wine expo. It brings together all of South Africa's best Wine Estates and Winery's along with a few olive Farms into 1 huge room (Space of 2 football fields) for the public to participate in a tasting. There are various little wine stalls placed through out the Room. (I speak under correction but I think there are more or less 400 stalls)

Last year was the first time I attended wineX- I loved it so much I went all 4 nights. Had a killer hangover to deal with the whole week. But I tasted some of the best wine South Africa has to offer, while organising a few dates with the promo girls and a few randoms on the side.

If you like Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Pinotage, or girls you should definitely be there.

This is Why. Its a big expo so people are walking around like they would in a shopping centre, add a little wine and its all of a sudden day game, with tipsy girls.

For me this is the perfect event to have a good time with friends, taste good wine and meet classy girls in a non threatening atmosphere.

How to Pick Up Girls at an Expo (like winex)

  • Its important to dress to the occasion, the girls at winex will probably be smart casual and you want to dress appropriately. For me, I'll wear a collared shirt, with smart pants and smart shoes. (last year I went in a full suit one day- its very James Bond, but it can be a little too intimidating for the girls)

  • Opening, The classic opinion opener could be used "what did you think of that wine", "where is the best wine stand" Or Direct Opening "Hey,this wine is amazing..... have you seen the stand where they serve wine with Swiss chocolate"

  • Neg for the Day Could be "have you got your blue teeth on?" - As you know red wine makes your teeth blue. Make sure u smile

  • Attitude. CCC (CCCC)- Girls at wineX will be pretty sophisticated, dont try impress them too much, be relaxed. Its normally just CCC, But the CCCC is Cool Calm Charming & Confident. Charm is important. Especially in classy circumstances.

  • Closing- Your not gonna be able to kiss a girl in wineX, last year a met a girl at WineX and I bounced her to the Baron (a Pub in Sandton) I kissed her there. If you can get her number you've done well... else just go for an instant date with her and your friends and bounce her somewhere afterwards.

  • Wine to Look out For- Chocolate Block From BOEKENHOUTSKLOOF . Or Raka wine estate.
A few cool things to know about Wines
A winery means- The Wine Maker buys grapes to make wine (they may have a few of their own grapes). A Wine Estate means they grow all their grapes on the farm.

Rose- Normally Red Grapes that have had their skins taken off, sometimes mixed with a bit of white grapes.

Pinotage, is a red wine grape that is South Africa's signature variety. It was bred there in 1925 as a cross between Pinot noir and Cinsaut (Cinsaut is known as Hermitage in South Africa, hence the portmanteau name of Pinotage). It typically produces deep red varietal wines with smoky, bramble and earthy flavors, sometimes with notes of bananas and tropical fruit, but has been criticized for sometimes smelling of acetone. Pinotage is often blended, and also made into fortified wine and even red sparkling wine.[1] The grape is a viticultural cross, not a hybrid. Both of Pinotage's ancestors are members of Vitis vinifera.
- Wikipedia!

Look Forward to seeing you there.
Baron Bloom

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

South Africa's All Time Top 10 mPUA's- Plus My Top 5

1. Lloyd de Jongh aka Greyghost (now in Dubai)

2. Marc Rees aka Swanky (Johannesburg)

3. Erik Petermann (Cape Town - retired)

4. Zedwie van Zyl (Johannesburg)

5. Baron Boom (Johannesburg)

6. Garshwin April (Cape Town)

7. H (Johannesburg)

8. Yusuf Moses aka Mr. Uitenhage (Uitenhage)

9. Harley aka Real Casanova (Pretoria)

10. Bevin du Plessis (Johannesburg)

This is the opinion of Ramon Thomas (i.e His list).... What are your guys thoughts of the list...

Personally I would have, Hunter, Fabio, Adam, Cyllos on the list.

My Top 5 mPuas in aphabetic order would have to be:

1. Adam
2. Fabio
3. H
4. Hunter
5. SleepyCat


Coffee with mPua "H" or "Mr H"

A few of you may have heard of "H", He is one of my closest buddies that I met a while back- we both started off more or less at the same time.

Yeah we were pretty shit back then, but I always enjoyed having him as my wingman.

A little about him: He was rated the 7th Best Pick Up Artist in South Africa. Personally I think He should be in the top 5 (I will put the list up on My Blog). He is an off the wall character. Never a dull moment when he is around!

He is one of the most successful businessmen I know at the tender age of 23.

Ok- H... that's enough blowing smoke up your ass!

Anyway he came past my office for a meeting that he had in the building and we were just discussing how different guys have different talents- and how each person should embrace their own personal style to benefit them best. There are way too many guys out there trying to be someone they are not.

You guys care to guess what the different styles and methods are?

Baron Bloom

Monday, October 19, 2009

Play Boy Baron Bloom

"The playboy son of a property tycoon faced the threat of prison today even though he was cleared of sexually assaulting a schoolgirl.
Baron Bloom, 28, of Mayfair, once considered one of London's most eligible bachelors, was this afternoon found not guilty of indecent assault against the 14-year-old. "

You may think this is me..... but Its not!!!, just had a good laugh when I found this royal dumbass chop who is giving the real Baron Bloom a bad name!

Here is the link to the article!


Lets hope I stay out the press for a while ;)


Friday, October 16, 2009

Workshop Time- Plus Kenny The Retarded Tiger

Yo Guys

Whats Up

Holding another workshop this evening..... Its a great learning curve and you really up your game when you have to teach someone else. Got 3 students... Should be awesome!

Other than that I just checked out the funniest picture ever... My buddy Adam Sent it through to me

Its a website- dedicated to Kenny the retarded Tiger. Have a look- it will definitely crack a laugh

Baron Bloom

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Deal With Your Ex Girlfirend!

Something you might no know about me..... but I sit next to my ex of 4 years at work- She literally sits 1 meter away from me! We work for the same company- back in my AFC days I got her an interview at my company.....I had my reasons back then and they sounded awesome at the time (like travelling overseas together blah blah fish paste) IF you take anything out of this post- NEVER, NEVER EVER get your girl friend a job at work! Trust me on this one!

It's not a great idea- it was extremely challenging to deal with in the beginning but I honestly feel like being forced to be exposed to me EX has taken my game to a new level. I can honestly deal with ANYONE- after dealing with her. (rather learn from me- it much easier than experimenting yourself)

It's all about setting boundaries and respecting yourself. There is no way you can deal with all the emotional mind games and shit tests an EX can throw at you- IF YOU DON'T PUT Boundaries up.

It would be like like going into a rugby match (or American football- for our American readers) without a strategy. No matter how good your players (Game is) are if you don't have clear direction you will lose to a much weaker opponent.

For Example- I went for lunch with my EX today- and I decided in my mind (before I went for lunch) that no matter how good things went with her, I would not kiss her/ sleep with her... This put me in a position of power because I acted in such a way that I did not need anything from her. This actually drove her crazy and made her want me more.

Patience. So if I wanted to sleep with her- I could have carried on and she would try make a plan to visit me after work (don't force it- wait and be patient- it will happen)- don't invite her- rather let her invite herself. Personally I'm seeing someone that I really like so I'm not gonna score her- but this is just an example of how to do it if you wanted to.

In summary if you wanna get your ex back- obviously be CCC.

- Relax.
- Be patient.
- Set boundaries.
- Try Move on.
- Keep the power in your court.


Check Out Sleepycats latest post on Facebook game it's pure brilliance!
p.s Scoring your EX is like chewing old chewing gum

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day Game- A Quick Field Report + Tips

Day Game is something that should be Fun- during the day people are relaxed, girls are off guard and you don't have to do anything special. Sounds simple but it is really important to have that in your mind. Sleepycat mentioned in our latest newsletter that Day Game- should feel like a scene from a romantic comedy! Even if you are a little shy and Clumsy you can still pull it off. Think of Hugh Grant... yes he isn't my favorite actor- but she somehow always manages to get the girl BECAUSE he is sincere. BE SINCERE!

First you have got to establish what your goal of day game is- if you don't know what you are working towards then you cant drive it home(this applies to all types of pickup). Either your goal is just to have fun, or get her number, take her on an instant date or lastly kiss her.

Don't get your hopes up on the last option because it is very unlikely.
For me I like to have fun and bounce the girl somewhere- especially ice cream- The one thing I have in common with most girls is- my love for ice cream!

The best part is that it is simple, fun, spontaneous and non threatening! Try it.

I was running a workshop with one of my students (Duke).... and we decided to experiment with a bit of day game.... @ the Zone in Rosebank (JHB, South Africa)

This is how it went...

Set 1: I walked past a girl at the sunglasses rack, I commented that the set of pink dorky glasses will suit her better (she was trying a pair on) (making a Cocky and Funny Comment is a great way to open during the day)..... she laughs and says no.....I tease her a bit and tell her to be a sport. Eventually after much negotiation and teasing she decides to try them on… I then hand her another set, and another and another...All along I give my humble yet amusing opinion on what looks good and what doesn't. She then starts picking out pairs for me to try on.....
Nothing material came of this interaction- but it was fun and playful.

Set 2: Duke takes a shirt and asks a mother and daughter set if they like the shirt, they proceeded to give their opinion- I walk up with a bright Pink shirt, and interrupt "I think this will suit him better" they laughed, I went to find another ridiculous outfit and kept re-entering the set. This is great wingman game- as it allows the guy who opens to keep chatting while the wingman keeps spicing up the conversation as it does down.

Set 3: Duke asks a girl if the Top we are looking at is a guy/girls top.... She was friendly- but later we discovered her BF was also in the shop. She was cool and friendly.

Set 4: Nintendo Wii girl. Opened her asking if big boys were also allowed to play. Ended up teasing her about how lame Wii is- its for fat kids that cant play sport. She defended it, and I took the conversation in the direction of "how would you feel if you got invited on a date and the guy wanted to play Wii with you." -She said that she wouldn't mind, so long as the date included dinner at his place. I then transitioned into wanting to fill in her customer satisfaction form- teased her that I would give her a bad rating. I then said "I bet you must get a whole bunch of old guys hitting on you while their kids are playing Wii".
I closed her by asking for her email address. It was very natural and smooth- she had no hesitation in giving it to me. (the whole interaction was about 5-10 minutes)

In summary- Day game is all about having fun! Appear to be a cool guy, be calm and be confident and the girl will love it (CCC). If you're having fun, 95% of the time she will have fun too. Don't worry about closing- some girls you will close some girls you won't. Don't take it personally

We opened 4 sets in 20 minutes- we had a good time, and the girls we opened had a good time, I'm also pretty sure something will come of the Wii girl. There is no need to be amazing, just make a start and things will happen. Get out the House!

Note: Don’t be a stalker during day game- if you in a clothing shop look at cloths don't just walk around eyeing out sets.

I just wrote a news letter on day game. If you sign up for free on my website, it will get sent to you, along with.... how to kiss close, how to open, how to isolate.... blah blah blah.......(http://www.attractionschoolonline.com/)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Journey to a New Life- Cool Calm Confident (CCC)

The last year has been on of the most amazing years of my life… there is no feeling better than knowing you have grown and become a better man all round. I want to share a little bit of my journey with you.

I initially got into pickup after reading “the game” like most guys do. I was under the impression that to be a good pickup artist you had to be someone you are not. Like being an actor on a stage- problem is that this works great in some circumstances but it is soul destroying knowing that girls only like the fake Mystery/Style or whoever you are trying to be. Deep down you will NEVR ever develop inner game if you know you can’t pick up girls by being yourself? Think about it!

I went through a journey of self discovery- I opened myself up to all the dark corners of my heart and mind and fought tirelessly with myself till I conquered all my insecurities, dark emotions and feelings of not being good enough. These things get etched in our minds from a young age brought on by different negative situations we encountered growing up; it could be friends, rejection, parents, embarrassing moments, and abuse whatever… Everyone has there dark secrets that we block out- even to ourselves.

My challenge is: Be willing to see yourself for who you are, and most importantly for whom you want yourself to be….. Start mapping the new you to the old you, then deal with the issues that prevent you from being the amazing person you were created to be.

Once I over came my insecurities and issues, my Game exploded exponentially. People I knew from my past cant get over how I’ve changed. You may have heard of my style (CCC) Cool calm confident- We’ll for me CCC has become a life style. I honestly feel cool, calm and confident- radiates with whoever I meet, In Business, life and pickup.

The feeling of knowing that this girl is completely attracted to me, for me is one of the most satisfying feelings you will ever have in life- you get a point where you stop caring what people think about you because you are happy enough with yourself. I hope you all reach that point in your life- sooner rather than later.

Give me your comments and feel back.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Baron Bloom mPua- Official Blog Spot

This Is the Official Baron Bloom... blog spot!

What can you expect? Just random thoughts on life and the odd field report.
Hope to keep you entertained, step into my life- enjoy the ride!
