Tuesday, February 9, 2010

South African Pickup Workshops/Bootcamps

Its been a bit of a hectic start to another year, haven't had any time to get around to writing articles but the dust is settling and I'm ready to kick off the new year workshops in style.

Last year so much was accomplished both personally and in business with Attraction School. All in all we had 8 successful workshops, and each in my opinion just kept on getting better. We had students fly in from across the Country as Well as workshops in 2 Cities. What a great experience to meet more guys wanting to become better men and seeing a complete transformation in style and confidence while retaining their core being and values.

Been looking at different options for workshops this year, but think we are going to stick with what works, but add a few extra variations!

...........lets get down to business

Next Workshop/Bootcamp.

Place: Johannesburg
When: Feb 27 or March 13

What we plan to cover is

- Opening (Direct vs Indirect)
- Inner Game (confidence, state)
- Style (I have hired a Professional stylist, who WILL improve your personal style based on your specific body type- this is awesome, at our last workshop the guys were completely transformed, almost like extreme makeover)
- Closing (Number closing, kiss closing...etc)
- Charm
- Teasing vs Negging
- Creating Attraction
- Push Pull
- Routines (When, How, Why... are they for you?)
-Day Game (We do field work here)

We Finish up with a great night out on the Town.

Give me a shout if you would like details, add in which date would suit you and what you would like to achieve

Check out Attraction school for the latest information
